Union Issues or questions?

Lev is All You Need!

Call 617-686-5775 or email Katie@LevLabor.com

Full Service Labor Consulting Firm

Specializing in collective bargaining, union organizing campaigns and Labor Relations strategy and development.

Whether you just received your first petition, have multiple mature contracts, or are facing a corporate campaign, we're your partner for all your union issues.

  • Collective Bargaining

  • NLRB Election Campaign Management

  • Pre-Petition Activity Training and Response

  • Labor Relations Training

  • Develop, Support and Train your Labor Team

  • Labor Relations Strategy Development

  • Collective Bargaining Strategy

  • Corporate Campaign Strategy and Response

  • Blended Environment Strategy and Management

  • Neutrality Agreement Strategy and Management

  • Managing in a Union Environment


Katie is a seasoned labor consultant with more than fifteen years NLRB, campaign and first chair bargaining experience across industries including transportation, manufacturing, building trades, healthcare, education, retail, industrial, mining, cannabis, manufacturing and others. During her career she has been responsible for more than 150 collective bargaining agreements across the US and Canada. She has managed nationwide Corporate Campaigns across multiple industries, managed numerous organizing campaigns; including micro-units, “quickie” elections, mail ballots and decertifications, as well as neutrality agreements, strikes, including a hunger strike. In addition to managing campaigns, bargaining and arbitrations, she also provides management of NLRB matters, direct employee communication, arbitrations and labor training to all levels of management for organizations nationwide.

Prior to founding Lev Labor, LLC, she was the Sr. Director of Labor Relations and sole lead negotiator for a $150B Fortune 10 company. In 2015 she was appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts to serve on the Massachusetts Labor Board. In addition to her Labor practice, she teaches Employment Law and Labor Law at Suffolk Law School and Employment Law at Boston College. She earned a BA and MS from Boston College and a JD from Boston College Law School.